Extroverted and friendly; very intelligent, especially socially. Originally very business-centered as most goblins are, she's recently realized she cares more about the social dynamic than the financial end.
Grew up an orphan on Kezan. Lonely, she would create a sort of small business to get products that she noticed were popular with children to try and get in their good graces. In a desperate attempt to expand her influence, she started making contracts with demons, initially lower tier ones such as imps as the contracts were usually easier to deal with. Bozatrox would be incredibly fair, and treated these demons as employees and friends of her own, in a sense.
The War Within - Joining the Horde reinforcements to Khaz Algar, Bozatrox initially joined the expedition to the Siren Isle; however, upon getting word that Gallywix was up to no good, she quickly took action, leading the fight to liberate Undermine.
Bozatrox has a super obscure name inspiration, being named after a Machina NPC from Xenoblade Chronicles, who has a single quest that if not completed, she dies. The only reason I chose this name is because 1. Xenoblade has good names and 2. Bozatrox sounds like a Goblin name. There's no inspiration beyond that (because the OG has one quest lmfao).