When Chaos

Website of Jared (Real)

Istaanu - Highlord and Hand of Argus


The older of the two Draenei brothers in the Adventurer's Guild, and one of the 3 members of the group that would evolve into the Alliance's guild, alongside Winstant and Meyneth.

The definition of a protector, Istaanu has been a shield for the weak for millennia; and in that same time attempting to keep his last remaining family member alive. His belief in the Light and his intense desire to never again experience the constant horrors his people have experienced brings him strength and purpose.

Despite his image of being a paragon of defense, inside lies a scared man with a large heart in a universe that can't contain it.



Gender: Male (He/Him)
Race: Draenei (Lightforged)
Class: Paladin
Birthplace: Argus
Age: 13,054
Birthday: Feb. 5
Favorite Things: His brother, Strong comrades, Big hugs
Least Favorite Things: Loss, The Burning Legion, The Scourge, Sleeping





Author's Notes