When Chaos

Website of Jared (Real)

Favorite Final Fantasy Music - FFXI: Add-Ons and Bonus

FFXI week finally comes to a close, and this is the part where I pick songs that just didn’t really quite fit in any single expansion, or cases like the extra add-on content which were really their own thing and even are listed separately on the title screen. Absolutely could not have done this game justice doing just one list, and this was a great time for me to relive some nice memories from me playing this game I definitely did not want to reup the sub nope.

There’s also technically probably another section I could make on this, but I actually haven’t played the new Voracious Resurgence content, so I don’t wanna do that part dirty and just pick shit without literally any context. Anyways, let’s finish this up so that I can actually increase the number after FF.

5. Dolphin

Any XI fan will tell you: the hardest part of the game isn’t losing levels. It isn’t the gameplay, it isn’t the bosses that take hours and hours and actual cheating to beat, it’s fucking installing the game. This is because FFXI has its own special launcher that Square Enix was gonna use but then proceeded to only do with XI called PlayOnline. It is absolutely a product of its time. But you know what it does? It gives you BANGER TUNES TO LISTEN TO. FOR NO REASON! You’re sitting there installing the game? Here’s a bop. You’re just trying to log in and you’re frustrated that your password doesn’t allow capitals? Here you go. This song will make you feel better. Dolphin is the song that always plays whenever I open my PlayOnline launcher to play FFXI. And you might say: “Styrm, this isn’t a game song, why is this in the list?” and to that I say: It’s in the official soundtrack. And PlayOnline is such an integral part of the FFXI experience that I would argue that it IS part of the game. That’s why it’s here. Love this shit. Please do yourself a favor and listen to all of the PlayOnline songs, cause I’m not gonna fill this list up with ‘em.

4. Iroha

First funny thing; I cannot find an official upload of this song, so I’m using the version they put in the FFXIV soundtrack cause it’s also there identically. This is the theme of Iroha, the main heroine of Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, the essential finale/wrap-up storyline of the entire game. The reason I like this song, is I think less for the song and more what it reminds me of. I do love the soft piano and the empty backing, the very tense and sad sounding BIM bum that keeps playing; but most of all, this makes me think of that character, and how much the storyline really just was a letter to fans from the devs saying thank you. It’s somber, yet beautiful. There might be songs that fit this feeling better, like the ending theme, but this is the song that does it for me.

3. Distant Worlds

Something that stinks, is that I can’t find a good honest upload of this song. Everything official is either the Distant Worlds orchestra version, or the Black Mages version, which, to be fair! are both good. So let’s hope this unofficial version doesn’t get taken down lmao. Another technicality with this, is that this is technically the ending theme of Chains of Promathia; but, it was introduced later, and it really feels separate? It’s kinda its own entity, also only being in bonus soundtracks. It’s really beautiful though. Taking that main Memoro de la Ŝtono motif, but turning it into an ending theme that almost befits the entire game. Not only do I love the main melody, I am a big fan of the warbly sort of sound that plays a lot, cause that really gives this song that XI feel rather than just being a nice vocal track. You ever wanna assassinate me just start playing this and I’ll be paralyzed

2. Provenance Watcher

Another very strange case of “I didn’t know where to put this song”. This is the final boss theme of the Voidwatch story, which was more like in modern senses a patch story to Wings of the Goddess? But it again very much feels like its own entity. Add on the fact that the song itself is in the Seekers of Adoulin soundtrack and I was just like “Ok you’re going with the rest of the weird off cases”. Either way, love this song. The beginning strings rhythm is such a cool sound, and then add on the really low horn for that sense of foreboding, befitting the Giant Fucking Dragon Creature you are fighting. The build up for this song is amazing, and uses all of the classic FFXI instruments you know and love by this point. My absolute favorite part of the song is midway through after a lot of the instruments have kinda stepped away for a slight flute bit, and then it blows up with this amazing sounding bit with the entire orchestra. I can’t quite do it justice with my words, but hopefully you’ll know when you hear it. Also can I just say shoutouts to the Naoshi Mizuta tambourine????? It has no right to go as hard as it does in this entire soundtrack.

1. Shinryu

And here we are. The final XI song in my lists. This is the final boss theme of the Abyssea storyline, which is split up into 3 separate parts. Shinryu in this game is essentially the bad timeline version of Promathia (Abyssea as a whole is a sort of bad timeline in a way). The song starts with this incredibly menacing brass orchestra, one part giving you this heavy almost percussion like vibe, and the other part giving you the main sort of melody in the start, absolutely perfect for this literal end of the world dragon. Then it gets fun. The actual percussion comes in with a really fun beat, the orchestra starts the meat of the song, feeling like a really fun and triumphant final battle. And my favorite part? The out of nowhere hopeful sounding bells and strings that sound almost heavenly, they sound heroic, like you’re going to save this doomed world. The song goes back into more menacing, like Shinryu is beating back, giving me more of that Dragon Quest IX sound I love. After a really cool loud hit rhythm, the drums do this amazing offbeat section that gives the song a really fun vibe, then going with a sort of royal sounding section featuring a flute/horn duet, and finally, into the grand finale where everything comes together to play off the song, having the heroic vibe from earlier; you are winning. You are going to save the day.

Honorable mentions this time are: Filter branch (this is also PlayOnline music lmao), Wail of the Void, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, Luck of the Mog, Feast of the Ladies, and even though I’ve pretty much already mentioned it in this series, gotta give it up for my boy Main Theme - FINAL FANTASY XI Version.

Originally posted on Tumblr on Nov. 10th, 2023