When Chaos

Website of Jared (Real)

Favorite Final Fantasy Music - FFX

*an overdrive bar appears and lands in the middle, summoning the number 10*

FFX is by far the coolest setting for any RPG I have ever seen. It is so incredibly unique, I have not seen anything like it. Other cool things about it? It’s the first FF that wasn’t 100% composed by Uematsu! This is the mainline FF that brings in my man Masashi Hamauzu, who makes a Lot of really good songs here and later. There’s also Junya Nakano, but I don’t know his work as much cause he’s not as much of an FF guy :(

When i was making this list, something I tried to avoid and failed, was exclusively battle themes. But alas, I love the battle themes in this game so much, that they all trump any overworld/event themes in my brain😭. Please give a look at the honorable mentions for some of those that I like (and more battle themes sorry).

5. Blitz Off!

Sports are battles, right? A battle between athletes? I think it counts. I also want to say: I hate Blitzball. I do NOT want to be a Blitzball when I grow up. I do however, love this song. This was the only saving grace as I tried and failed (and eventually succeeded) to beat the Luca Goers so the Aurochs could get the trophy. It’s a bop, I love the boops throughout the song cause it’s like little waterdrops (water sphere), not to mention the fucking BASS on this shit. It’s got a fun melody, and a lot of neat instruments (like the whole game has but I feel like I’ve made this point with every game since VII LMAO). I love how this song goes absolutely ham, and then Right before the loop, it gives you a little bit of a quieter droning jam.

4. Fight With Seymour

First of all: Fuck Seymour. This stupid blue spiky hair having ass with his dumb eyebrows and his 20 boss fights and his “ohhhhh yuna ahhhhhhhh blehhhhh” (I love Seymour and by that I mean I love to hate him he’s perfect). I had heard this song before playing X and I was so excited to hear it, only to discover THAT IT ONLY PLAYS IN THE FINAL FIGHT AGAINST HIM WHICH WASN’T EVEN THE HARDEST ONE (my hope absolutely did end there). ANYWAYS. His song fucks. This song is like the One Winged Angel of FFX, because it feels like a bunch of mini compositions were made first, and then they were all put together somehow masterfully. Every instrument is super cool sounding, and this song proves that the Trash Can Lid is the greatest cymbal you could ever ask for. The keyboard goes ham the entire way through, and I feel like I’m dancing at the club (this would be if I did hypothetically dance and also go to clubs).

3. Battle Theme

Remember last list when I said it was a while before I used a normal battle theme? Isn’t it awesome how I’m immediately breaking that pause even further? I feel like I’m going to keep saying this, but this song is a bop!!!! All of these songs are bops. I remember initially not really feeling the MIDI ass opening, but it has absolutely grown on me over time and now it’s just iconic to me. I love when after the song takes a bit to get going, the melody gets louder with a bit of a synth organ backing it, not to mention when it slows down a bit (not like, tempo wise, but in instrumentation). For some reason, that section is in my brain is attached to switching out party members (my favorite mechanic of battle), so Auron saying “Let’s go.” is basically an extra bit of the song to me XD. Shoutouts to synthesizers and MIDI trumpets, we absolutely love you.

2. Otherworld

This is just… a song. It’s a straight up metal song in my Final Fantasy, something that I would hear on the radio growing up (not actually but can you imagine??). Hearing this towards the beginning of the game was already super cool, with the Blitzball match and seeing Auron look over the city (so cool….), but then you also have it as the final boss theme????? (I know it’s not the final boss but like he’s BASICALLY the final boss) That’s even cooler. Catch me headbanging and singing along whenever it pops up. I love the guitar shredding, and the part of the lyrics where it backs off of the super deep growl to give a sort of spoken word section that sounds like it’s coming through a radio.

1. A Contest of Aeons

So far, this list has mainly been “this song is on here because it is a banger” and less emotional importance, which is strange, especially after the last list. A Contest of Aeons fulfills that requirement, at long last. This song takes the main prayer song/Hymn of the Fayth, and turns it into something worthy of being a grand finale. It also plays during one of the absolute coolest boss fights ever; all of your summons/aeons sacrificing themselves so you can finally break the endless cycle the world suffers, but it also hurts so much because they have carried you through the entire game and now they have to fall to your hand. I love the constant orchestra in the back, giving the song a tense, urgent feeling. My absolute favorite part is when the choir continues to raise with the addition of the tambourine, not to mention the part right after where it sounds like pyreflies are dancing around you.

Honorable mentions go to: Prelude, Movement in Green, Mi'ihen Highroad, Assault, A Fleeting Dream, and Challenge.

Originally posted on Tumblr on Nov. 2nd, 2023