When Chaos

Website of Jared (Real)

Favorite Final Fantasy Music - FFIV

part 4 moon part

FFIV is finally going to be easy for me cause there’s consistent uploads and I think the SNES sounds good so woooooo this soundtrack goes dummy (every game goes dummy)

5. Mystic Mysidia

This song is so goofy. This is definitely one I recommend listening to the PR version of cause that one is extremely weird (in a good way). I love the little bouncing backing, and the xylophone melody, it sounds perfect for a silly little mage town where you get some silly little mage twins that DEFINITELY won’t have a tragic moment nope

4. Golbez, Clad in Darkness

Man I love Golbez, he’s like my favorite FFIV character. This is such a perfect “EVIL VILLAIN” theme with the organ, I love how the melody is later used for Tower of Zot, but this version has the organ solo too which is super cool.

3. Battle 2

This is my favorite Super Mario RPG song. But actually though I think the biggest reason I like this song is cause of Theatrhythm, cause they make you play the off beats, and in my head I always think of those and so it feels like, bouncy. This is also a song I think the SNES sounds really good with (I am a sucker for some compressed trumpet (yes I like pokemon ruby and sapphire too)) Also the bass??? boo doo boo doo boo doo boo doo (the ramblings of a madman) the last thing I will make a nonsensical rambling about is the ending of the song how it goes higher and higher and then smoothly loops GOD it’s so good

2. The Final Battle

This is a song that I think the SNES version got the best; the intro is outstanding. It starts out with that build, then the heavy drum hits. Then you get like, the start of the melody, and like, only in this version do they get the echoey sounds going, other ones sound like it just kinda hits multiple times but this version has an echo and I love that!! After the beginning it goes into this other part that sounds kinda menacing but also there’s like a heroic sounding horn fighting against the evil, fitting perfectly for a final boss battle, and the end of the song does this too. I love it man

1. Battle with the Four Fiends

This is absolutely my favorite song in this game, it’s like, if you made a tier list, the rest of this list would be A tier and this would be S+, that is the gap to me. The buildup, the melody, the part where it goes DUN DUN DUN DUN doo doo doo doo doo doo LIKE THE WHOLE BOUNCY HORN THING (I WISH I KNEW MUSIC WORDS BETTER BUT I HOPE YOU GET WHAT I’M TRYING TO SAY) THIS SONG IS SO FUN and I could listen to it on repeat always. Not once have I heard a version of this song that I have disliked at all. Plus there’s the funny Hyadain version and I always think of “gentleman, gentleman” but that’s not really a reason for liking the song that’s just bonus

Originally posted on Tumblr on Oct. 27th, 2023