Gender: Female (She/Her)
Race: Mechagnome
Class: Priest
Birthplace: Gnomeregan
Age: 42
Birthday: Oct. 10, Yr. 0
Favorite Things: Least Favorite Things: The Void, Water
Scatterbrained and determined, a return to sanity brings a newfound purpose to life, with a heavy avoidance to void due to trauma. (this is probably getting rewritten)
In Dun Morogh, a band of mercenaries was hired to stop occult happenings in the area. Locating the cave in which some sort of ritual was taking place, they slaughtered the cultists and stopped whatever was going on from taking place. However, what this ritual was, was an attempted resurrection of a powerful void being. This being, attempting to cling on to life, embedded itself in the earth. Searching for a way to survive, it found an easy weak point in the body of a newborn child, where it would implant itself and wait to grow.
(Note: I'm gonna use her current day pronouns to refer to her even though this is pretransition so just keep that in mind) Grommet was born in Gnomeregan to two engineers, who were quite excited to bring new life into their family, to pass down their knowledge and create together. Unfortunately, this would not be the case. Their child would be destructive and difficult. This wasn't Grommet's intention, though. She attempted to listen and make others happy. She was following what she thought she heard, and was incredibly confused and hurt when this apparently wasn't the case. Making friends was quite difficult for much the same reason, as she was essentially completely unable to tell what was proper social etiquette. Her parents were presented with the first problem that they just could not find the solution to, but they were determined to help their child, and give their family a happy life. Grommet would grow to be miserable, withdrawn, and emotional. Nothing felt right, nothing could go right, despite trying her absolute hardest to do the right thing, nothing ended up correct. Of course, none of this was Grommet's fault. The being taking root inside her fed off the chaos, and would whisper subtly in different voices to get what it wanted.
Classic - Everything would come to a climax after the Trogg assault on Gnomeregan. The years of stress, isolation, and conflict took their toll on Grommet, and as the High Tinker and Thermaplugg's plan to help the city "failed", this only felt like another disaster that was probably her fault somehow. In the evacuation, the Wobblesprockets all managed to escape, but in the clear, Grommet was nowhere to be found. She had run away entirely. Wandering aimlessly, becoming weak, the being inside her took action for its own survival. Grommet would learn to tap into the void, naive to its consequences, using it to survive and defend herself. As she became more adept with it, more voices would appear. In a way, this would start the downfall of the being's control, as with so many cooks in the kitchen, it's hard to focus on one voice. Grommet would find her living in helping villages and towns take care of their monster problems. Little social interaction needed, and it put food in her stomach. Occasionally, she would cross paths with other adventurers, most commonly some human warrior and a night elf druid. These never lasted long, and Grommet stayed relatively minor in the grand scheme of the world's conflicts.
The power infused into Xal’atath by Grommet during the Legion invasion was already quite high, but absorbing some of the power of Sargeras’ sword created an imbalance. The void became too much to resist, and this broke Grommet’s mind, leaving her unresponsive.
Her relationship with her parents in the present is very positive. They were overjoyed that their child finally attained peace and happiness; knowing that there was a solution all along.
Her enhancements are specifically built to resist the void. If they ever malfunction, she runs the risk of going catatonic again.
Author's Notes
Grommet was originally a male Gnome during Legion. I didn't care for priest, so I deleted him. When going for all the Allied Race heritage armor, I decided to bring Grommet back as a Mechagnome, but I liked the female customization just a little more than the male (plus I needed to fix the gender balance a little bit more), so now Grommet is in-universe a transgender woman. The power of technology (and magic) is incredible!